J89 Kuhaka Jataka -- The Straw Worth More Than Gold
[MORAL Cheating, stealing, and lying; the wise solve a case]
[READABILITY Intermediate II]
The ascetic in this story accepted the landlord's daily support that let him practice with a peace of mind. Instead of being grateful, greed aroused in him and he wanted to steal the landlord's gold. The scheming ascetic also used tricks to make the landlord think that he was an honest practitioner.
His tricks were seen through by the merchant (Bodhisatta), and he was finally caught by the landlord and merchant. Imagine, how will the bad deeds that the ascetic did affect him this life and in his next life?Dear friend, have you well-guarded your body, speech, and mind?
Uprightness and cheating, stealing, lying, sly/scheming, which one is better? Which one will gain trust? Which one makes you happier?