Morning Reflections With Beautiful Drawings

It is a rainy day, a samanera holding an umbrella under a Bodhi tree, reflecting about life.

Get the other Morning Reflection's Drawings.

Let us recite some Morning Reflections together.

NOW is the precious and opportune moment to practise Dhamma, cultivate the mind and causes for the transformation and upliftment of my life.

Let me be aloof from the worries about past and future, and be free from any obsession about people's right and wrong, good and evil. Let me begin each new day free of emotional drawbacks and inhibitions.
I shall always remember the dangers in Saṃsāra, the faults of birth, old age, sickness and death, and the transiency of life. I shall not cease to be heedful and diligent due to short-lived pleasant experiences till I attain the security of the other shore -- Nibbāna.

I shall whole-heartedly cherish and utilize every present moment with loving-kindness, compassion, mindfulness, Four Clear Comprehensions and wise attention.

Dhamma (Natural laws, and the Teachings of the Buddhas) is the basis for the existence, rise and fall, and sustenance of all beings, events and phenomena in the Universe. Let me learn and deserve Dhamma with the most focused mind.

May I have a gentle attentive heart. May I be humble, respectful and rightly absorb Dhamma guidance and teachings. May I be swift to flow along with what is true and good.

May I enhance wisdom and compassion when I encounter ups and downs, pleasant and unpleasant experiences.

I shall not crave any resultant conditioned experiences of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind door. With detachment I shall endure, embrace and utilize all experiences for self-cultivation. I shall cultivate good causes through thought, speech and action according to Truths and conditions.

Facing all life experiences, I shall reflect upon causes, effects and conditionality.

No matter the externalities, I will suffer more if I increase causes of sufferings such as greed, anger and delusion.

I shall apply Dhamma for the purification of my own thought, speech and action, and not for the measuring and judging of others.

Giving up useless and energy-draining grumbling, let all my actions or in-actions be pragmatic, improve situations and at least not make them worse.

From now onwards I shall pay attention to relevant things that can make a difference and do not think or speak about irrelevant things that can't make a difference.

I shall cherish and be grateful to all Teachers, elders, heavenly guardians, earthly benefactors, spiritual companions and all wholesome conditions. With courage and strength, I shall cherish and be grateful for even unavoidable difficult conditions that train and test me. Let all life encounters and experiences make me a better person and develop my insight.

Overcoming guilt, remorse and anger, I shall forgive and empathize with the faults of myself and all beings caused by ignorance and other defilements.

Guarding against jealousy, I rejoice in all the kindness, victories and achievements of all beings. Let my mind synchronize with all wholesome Dhamma.

May all beings who see, hear, contact and think of me grow in faith towards Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha. May they embark upon the great journey of liberation from sufferings and realization of true happiness being inspired by my Dhamma cultivation, loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, equanimity, virtue, concentration, wisdom, sincerity and devotion towards Dhamma, and my change, progress and transformation.

May all wholesome wishes of all beings be fulfilled!

Version Dated:15/02/2021