J92 Mahasara Jataka - The Jewel of the King's Crown and the Pearl Necklace of the Queen

Steal out of greed, lie out of fear, learn the truth out of investigation
Intermediate II
Steal out of greed, lie out of fear, learn the truth out of the Wise’s investigation.
The Jewel on the King’s Crown – The king has lost the jewel on his crown, how to get the thief to return the jewel without wearing everyone?
The Pearl Necklace of the Queen – The queen's pearl necklace was stolen. Several innocents confessed as the thief. Who is the real culprit? How to recover the necklace?
The Pearl Necklace of the Queen – The queen's pearl necklace was stolen. Several innocents confessed as the thief. Who is the real culprit? How to recover the necklace?
Steal out of greed, lie out of fear, learn the truth out of the Wise’s investigation.
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