J30 Munika Jātaka - So yummy, mine is the best food!

Greedy, Envy, Contentment
Intermediate I
A cow sees a lazy pig being offered good food and becomes dissatisfied that he has to work hard to get his food and is only eating straw. He remains dissatisfied until one day something happened to the fat pig.
“tiṇadosāni khettāni, icchādosā ayaṃ pajā;
tasmā hi vigaticchesu, dinnaṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.”
“Fields are damaged by weeds; mankind is damaged by desires,
Therefore, a gift bestowed on those who are free from desires bring great reward.”
– Dhammapada verse 359
“tiṇadosāni khettāni, icchādosā ayaṃ pajā;
tasmā hi vigaticchesu, dinnaṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.”
“Fields are damaged by weeds; mankind is damaged by desires,
Therefore, a gift bestowed on those who are free from desires bring great reward.”
– Dhammapada verse 359