J20 Nalapana Jataka--The Hollow Reeds 芦饮本生《空心芦苇》

The Hollow Reeds

Jātaka 20: Naḷapāna Jātaka
Thirsty monkeys came to a pool haunted by a yakkha. Their leader miraculously blows the knots out of reeds and with these the monkeys safely slake their thirst.

Illustrated by Sucittā & Sunīta
Typeset by Ger Lian
Based on Tale 13 in Jataka Tales of the Buddha: An Anthology, 
retold by Ken and Visākhā Kawasaki, 3 volumes,
Buddhist Cultural Centre, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 2012.


本生经20: 芦饮本生

绘图/ 妙心与美真
排版/ 陈月莲
中译/ 孙慧玲
审稿/ 陈语与卓佳萱
重述/ Tale 13 in Jataka Tales of the Buddha: An Anthology, 
retold by Ken and Visākhā Kawasaki, 3 volumes,
Buddhist Cultural Centre, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 2012.
阅读此 本生经绘本

It was while journeying on an alms-pilgrimage through Kosala that the Buddha told this story, about the hollow reeds.

When he came to the village of Nalakapāna, he stayed near Nalakapāna Lake.

One day, after bathing in the pool, the bhikkhus asked the sāmaneras to fetch them some reeds for needle-cases.

After getting them, however, the bhikkhus discovered that the reeds, rather than having joints like common reeds, were completely hollow.

Surprised, they went to the Buddha and said,

“Venerable Sir, we wanted to make needle-cases out of these reeds, but from top to bottom they are quite hollow. How can that be?”

“Bhikkhus, this was my doing in days gone by.” said the Buddha.

Then he told this story of the past.

Long, long ago, on this spot, there was a lake, surrounded by a thick forest.

In those days, the Bodhisatta was born as the king of the monkeys. As large as the fawn of a red deer, he was the wise leader of a troop of eighty thousand monkeys that lived in that forest.

He carefully counselled his followers: “My friends, in this forest, there are trees that are poisonous and lakes that are haunted by yakkhas. Remember always to ask me first before eating any fruit you have not eaten before, or drinking any water from a source you have not drunk from before.”

“Certainly!” the monkeys agreed.
“没问题!” 所有的猴子们都答应道。

One day, while roaming the forest, the monkey troop came to an area they had never before visited.

Thirsty after their day's wanderings, they searched for water and found this beautiful lake.

Remembering their master's warning, the monkeys refrained from drinking. They sat and waited for the Bodhisatta.

When he joined them, he asked,

“Well, my friends, why don't you drink?”

“We waited for you to come.”

“Well done!” said the Bodhisatta.
“做得好!” 菩萨称赞道。

Then he walked a full circuit around the lake. He noticed that all the footprints led down into the water, but none came back.

“My friends, you were right not to drink from this lake.

It is undoubtedly haunted by a yakkha.” he announced.
“毫无疑问,这里住了一个水怪。” 他说道。

Suddenly, the yakkha, in a hideous guise, rose up out of the lake and appeared before them. He had a blue belly, a white face, and bright-red hands and feet.

“Why are you sitting here? he asked the monkeys.

Go down to the lake, and drink.”

The Bodhisatta asked him, “Aren't you the yakkha of this lake?”

“Yes, I am. How did you know I was here?”

“I saw the footprints leading down to the water but none returning.

“Do you prey on all those who go down to the water?”

“Yes, I do. From small birds to the largest animals, I catch everything which has come into my water. I will eat all of you, too!”

“Oh, no, Yakkha,” said the Bodhisatta, “we are not going to let you eat us.”

“You must be parched. Just drink the water,” taunted the monster.

“All right, Yakkha, we will drink some water, but we are not going to fall into your power.”

“How can you drink water without entering the lake?”

“Yakkha!” the monkey king cried. “We need not enter your lake at all. All eighty thousand of us can drink through these reeds as easily as through a hollow lotus stalk. We will drink, and you will not be able to harm us.”

The Bodhisatta requested that a reed be brought to him. Then, recollecting the Ten Perfections he was developing, he recited them in a solemn asseveration of truth and blew into the reed.

Instantly, the joints disappeared, and the whole length of the reed became hollow.

After hollowing several more in the same way, the Bodhisatta toured the lake. He commanded: --

“Let all reeds growing here become perfectly hollow throughout”.

Because of the great virtues of Bodhisattas, their commands are always fulfilled.

Therefore, every single reed that grew around that lake instantly became hollow and has always remained so.

Do you know? There are 4 Era-miracles. “The reeds that grow around this lake will remain perfectly hollow” is one of the Era-miracles! Read the Glossary to know the other 3.

At last, the Bodhisatta seated himself with a reed in his hands.

The other eighty thousand monkeys, likewise, arranged themselves around the lake, each with a reed.

They all dipped their reeds into the water and drank. They satisfied their thirst, but the yakkha could not touch a single one of them.

Frustrated and furious, he returned to his home in defeat. “AARGH!”

When all had finished, the Bodhisatta led his followers back into the forest.

Having concluded his story, the Buddha identified the birth:

At that time, Devadatta was the yakkha;

my disciples were the eighty thousand monkeys;

and I was the king of the monkeys, so fertile in resourcefulness.

The End

Glossary 词汇表

Four Era-miracles: In this Kappa (or Era), there are four miraculous phenomena which will endure throughout the whole Era:
1. The figure of the rabbit can be seen in the moon [Jātaka 316].
2. Fire will not touch the spot of the baby quail's nest [Jātaka 35].
3. No rain will fall on the site of Ghatīkāra's house [Ghatīkāra Sutta, Majjhima Nikāya, 81].
4. The reeds that grow around the Nalakapāna lake will remain perfectly hollow [Jātaka 20].

三、雨完全不会降落在陶器师的住所[中部第81经《陶器师经》] 。

Kappa (Era, Aeon, Eon): A long period of time. Let us say, there was a huge rock of one solid mass which was one yojana long, one yojana wide and one yojana high, and in every hundred years, a man would rub it with a piece of silk. Then, that huge rock would wear off and disappear quicker than an aeon.

Bodhisatta: is the Buddha-to-be, prophesized by another Buddha.

Devadatta: one of the Buddha’s cousins. He became a bhikkhu along with the other Sakyan princes. He was a rival of the Buddha, and tried to kill him several times. He also created a schism in the Sangha. Finally, he was swallowed by the earth and fell into hell. The origin of the implacable enmity which Devadatta felt toward the Bodhisatta and the Buddha is related in Jātaka 3. The Buddha predicted that, in the distant future, Devadatta will become a Pacceka Buddha.

夜叉(Yakka):the demon; an ogre; a kind of monster.

Ten Perfections (dasa pāramī): The set of 10 virtues for attaining the Path and Fruition knowledges, or the Omniscience knowledge. The 10 Perfections are:
1. dāna: generosity
2. sīla: morality
3. nekkhamma: renunciation
4. paññā: wisdom
5. vīriya: energy
6. khantī: forbearance
7. sacca: truthfulness
8. adhiṭṭhāna: determination
9. mettā: loving-kindness
10. upekkhā: equanimity

十波罗蜜(dasa pāramī):为了成就圣道圣果或一切知智的十种美德。十波罗蜜是:
1. dāna: 布施
2. sīla: 持戒
3. nekkhamma: 出离
4. paññā: 智慧
5. vīriya: 精进
6. khantī: 忍辱
7. sacca: 真实
8. adhiṭṭhāna: 决意
9. mettā: 慈
10. upekkhā: 舍

Teacher Guide

Please note that this list (of questions) is a guide for teachers, to evaluate the student’s understanding and to promote interaction between students relating to the story.

Before you start to tell this story, perhaps these motivational questions may help prompt students with their thinking:

1. Do you make wishes? Have they been realized?
2. Which type of wishes that came true? In what way?
3. Show a few pictures – children in handicap, in poor health and in hungry conditions, country in war or poor conditions, do you think they too have wishes?
4. Do you know how to make your wish come true? (after their sharing, let us see how our Bodhisatta realize wishes)

After the story telling or reading, some questions to guide the students for reflection:


5. Do you have any opinion after listening to this story? (share your feeling or opinion)
6. What have you learned from this story?

Truthfulness (sacca pāramī)

7. What did the group of monkeys wish for? What were their needs at that time?
8. What did the leader (Bodhisatta) do to make their wishes come true?


9. What is the difference between your wish and the leader’s (Bodhisatta’s) wish in this story?
10. How were the relationship and attitudes between the leader (Bodhisatta) and his followers?
11. Do you know how to be a good leader? And how to be a good follower?

The Lesson Tips:

Truthfulness (sacca pāramī)

By the power of truth (sacca parami) of his accumulation of the 10 paramis, the leader of the monkeys’ (Bodhisatta’s) wishes come true. In the past, he had practiced and fulfilled the 10 pāramīs and instilled great virtues, superior mind and efforts. This is why he was said to be ‘large in mind’, not because he simply had a ‘big brain’. The leader (Bodhisatta) was able to keep these fine qualities, and produce a miracle.

The Bodhisatta made a Truth saying, with the merits gained from the 10 pāramī, he took a reed, with the intention, blew through it to make the knots inside disappear, a miracle instantly follows. With the same intention, he did it to the other reeds around the lake. Did you know? Reeds are supposed to be solid inside until now, the reeds around the lake remained hollow. Like in the other event [Jātaka 35], with the power of truthfulness (sacca pāramī), the fire did not touch the spot of the baby quail's nest (a place at India) until the earth disappear.

With boundless virtues, Bodhisatta made wishes for the benefit of others, giving them ease and happiness. He is always thoughtful towards others.


From this story, it is worth to reflect on the relationship and attitude between leader, followers and the others who will benefit from the acts of the leader and followers. This act brings real and long-term (not only this life) benefits to these 3 parties involved. A good leader has wisdom, loving-kindness and vision, always willing to help and provide guidance when dealing with difficulties and needs, and always prepared to help others. As a good follower, one should observe the rules set by the leader, and understand the reason behind those rules and to co-operate with the leader with open mind.




  1. 你们有许愿吗?愿望都实现了吗?
  2. 哪些愿望成真了?是以什么样的方式实现的?
  3. 显示几张照片:残障儿童,健康状况不良和处在饥饿状况的孩子,处于战争中或恶劣环境中的孩子,你认为他们也有愿望吗?
  4. 你知道如何实现你的愿望吗?(学生分享之后,教师可开始讲故事,让大家看看菩萨如何实现愿望。)



1. 听完这个故事你有什么看法吗?(请分享你的感受或意见)
2. 你从这个故事中学到了什么?

真实波罗蜜(sacca pāramī)

3. 故事中的一群猴子的愿望是什么?当时他们需要的是什么?
4. 菩萨(首领)做了什么来实现他们的愿望?


5. 你的愿望与这故事中的菩萨的愿望有什么不同?
6. 菩萨和他的猴子们之间有怎样的关系和态度?
7. 你知道如何成为一个好的领导者?或好的跟随者吗?



凭着积累十波罗蜜,特别是真实波罗蜜(即真实语的力量),菩萨(为猴子们的首领)的愿望得以实现。在过去,菩萨不断修习圆满十波罗蜜,培育戒德、卓越的心和精进力,这就是为什么他被称为“心量广大” 的原因;而不是因为他纯粹拥有一个 “聪明的头脑” 。正是因此,菩萨才能够以这些殊胜的素质创造奇迹。

菩萨拿了一根芦苇,以累积过的十波罗蜜之功德,做真实的誓言后,向芦苇内一吹,奇迹随之而来,使里面的结都消失,心愿立即实现。他向湖周围的其它芦苇做了同样的心愿。你知道吗?芦苇内部应该是实心的,但是直到现在,那个湖周围的芦苇仍然是空心的。就像在另一起事件中一样[本生经35] ,凭借真实语的力量使大火无法接触到鹌鹑巢(在印度的一个地方),直到大地消失为止。

此外,菩萨以无限的戒德为他人的利益许愿,使他们感到安详和快乐。 他总是真心实地的对待别人。



Shared Reading

Do you make wishes?
Do you know how to make your wish come true?
With boundless virtues, Bodhisattas made wishes for the benefit of others, giving them ease and happiness.
They are always truthful and thoughtful towards others.
Thus, we can make a beautiful wish, that is:
May all wholesome wishes of all beings be fulfilled!

