Life of the Buddha - Dedication & Appreciation

Life of the Buddha

Mainly based on The Great Chronicles of the Buddhas

Written by Yap Pak Choong
Illustrated by Wong Shook Heong (Shu Xiang) 

I wish to dedicate the merits accrued from writing or compiling this book, to my departed parents and sisters. They were the "Brahmas" of our family, as they had struggled throughout their lives to earn a living for all family members. With their meagre sum of hard-earned savings, they supported my studies all along. Without them, I won't be able to read, let alone compiling this Dhamma book today. 

May the departed ones be well and happy, and may they have good rebirths. 

My special thanks go to a few Venerable Sayadaws, Sayalays who wish not to be named. They helped to check my essay contents as well as to design the books layouts, which are so professionally and expertly done. 

Many thanks to Bro. Boon Ping who introduced me to this assignment. I also wish to mention Sister Tan Bee Choon, who was so compassionate that she has even sacrificed her valuable time to check my grammar and essay presentation during Chinese New Year. Sister Tan Lee San, who was introduced to me by Sister Sujata Chiang, volunteered to translate this book into Chinese despite her tight schedule of daily works. Many thanks to both of them too. 

Lastly, I sincerely wish those who have read this book, can progress further on their spiritual path. 

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!

By the author