Online Reading Corner — updated 14 May 2024

To read the stories, please click on the front covers below:

The Jātaka Picture Books are stories retold in simple English which come in four levels of readability: The Beginner and Intermediate I levels are suitable for primary school students, while Intermediate II and Advanced levels are suitable for high school students and above.

20220901 Latest updates: J59, J176
20230213 Latest updates: J20, J148, J156, J308; New release: D118
20230219 Latest updates: J72, J218, D118, D119
20230319 Latest updates: D127
20230930 Latest updates: J400, J316, J18
20231001 Latest updates: J96

Jataka Picture Books Series 1 

1.   J18 Matakabhatta Jātaka “The Goat that Laughed and WeptChinese version updated v230930
2.   J20 Naḷapāna Jātaka “The Hollow ReedsChinese version updated v220907
3.   J22 Kukkura Jātaka “The Case of the Gnawed Leather”
4.   J26 Mahilāmukha Jātaka “The Elephant and the Thieves”
5.   J33 Sammodamāna Jātaka “The Quarrelsome Quails” *To be updated
6.   J43 Veluka Jātaka “The Bamboo Viper”
7.   J58 Tayodhamma Jātaka “The Monkey Prince and the Water Demon” *To be updated
8.   J59 Bherivāda Jātaka “The Stubborn Little DrummerChinese Version Text updated v220901
9.   J72 Sīlavanāga Jātaka “The Most Beautiful Elephant in the World” updated v230219
10. J89 Kuhaka Jātaka “The Straw Worth More Than Gold”
11. J148 Sigāla Jātaka “TrappedChinese version updated v230212
12. J156 Alīnacitta Jātaka “The Elephant who Saved the KingdomChinese version updated v230212
13. J218 Kūṭa Vāṇija Jātaka “Can Mice Eat Plowshares?” updated v230219
14. J227 Gūthapāṇa Jātaka “The Proud Dung Beetle”
15. J308 Javasakuna Jātaka “The Woodpecker and the Ungrateful LionChinese version updated v230212

J18 Matakabhatta Jātaka “The Goat that Laughed and Wept” J20 Naḷapāna Jātaka “The Hollow Reeds” J22 Kukkura Jātaka “The Case of the Gnawed Leather”  J26 Mahilāmukha Jātaka “The Elephant and the Thieves” J33 Sammodamāna Jātaka “The Wages of Strife” J43 Veluka Jātaka “The Bamboo Viper”  J58 Tayodhamma Jātaka “The Monkey Prince and the Ogre” J59 Bherivāda Jātaka "The Stubborn Little Drummer" J72 Sīlavanāga Jātaka “The Most Beautiful Elephant in the World” J89 Kuhaka Jātaka “The Straw Worth More Than Gold” J148 Sigāla Jātaka “Trapped” J156 Alīnacitta Jātaka “The Elephant Who Saved the Kingdom”   J218 Kūṭa Vāṇija Jātaka “Can Mice Eat Plowshares?” J227 Gūthapāṇa Jātaka “The Proud Dung Beetle” J308 Javasakuna Jātaka “The Woodpecker & the Ungrateful Lion”

Jataka Picture Books Series 2

1.   J3 Serivanija Jātaka “The Gold Bowl and the Mad Wish”
2.   J11 Lakkhaṇa Jātaka “Luckie and Blackie”
3.   J15 Kharadiya Jātaka “The Disobedient Deer”
4.   J42 Kapota Jātaka “The Pigeon and the Crow”
5.   J51 Mahāsīlava Jātaka “The Great King Virtue”
6.   J54 Kiṁphala Jātaka “Whatnot Fruit”
7.   J55 Pañcāvudha Jātaka “Prince Five-Weapons”
8.   J69 Visavanta Jātaka “The Thrown-up Snake’s Poison”
9.   J92 Mahāsāra Jātaka “The Jewel on the King’s Crown and The Pearl Necklace of the Queen”
10. J114 Mitacintī Jātaka “The Three Fish”
11. J122 Dummedha Jātaka “The Flying White Elephant”
12. J168 Sakuṇagghi Jātaka “The Quail and the Falcon”
13. J206 Kuruṅgamiga Jātaka “The Woodpecker, Tortoise and Antelope”
14. J322 Duddubha Jātaka “The Sound of the Rabbit Heard” Readability: Beginner & Advanced
15. J516 Mahākapi Jātaka “The Monkey and the Ungrateful Farmer”

J3 Serivanija Jātaka “The Gold Bowl and the Mad Wish” J11 Lakkhaṇa Jātaka “Luckie and Blackie” J15 Kharadiya Jātaka “The Disobedient Deer” J42 Kapota Jātaka “The Pigeon and the Crow” J51 Mahāsīlava Jātaka “The Great King Virtue” J54 Kiṁphala Jātaka “Whatnot Fruit” J55 Pañcāvudha Jātaka “Prince Five-Weapons” J69 Visavanta Jātaka “The Thrown-up Snake’s Poison” J92 Mahāsāra Jātaka “The Jewel on the King’s Crown and The Pearl Necklace of the Queen” J114 Mitacintī Jātaka “The Three Fish” J122 Dummedha Jātaka “The Flying White Elephant” J168 Sakuṇagghi Jātaka “The Quail and the Falcon” J206 Kuruṅgamiga Jātaka “The Woodpecker, Tortoise and Antelope” J322 Duddubha Jātaka “The Sound of the Rabbit Heard” J516 Mahākapi Jātaka “The Monkey and the Ungrateful Farmer”


Jataka Picture Books Series 3

1.   J1Apaṇṇaka Jātaka “Ogres In the Desert” *Coming soon
2.   J12 Lakkhaṇa Jātaka “The Honourable Deer King” *Coming soon
3.   J37 Tittira Jātaka “Who is the Senior?” *Coming soon
4.   J46 Ārāmadūsaka Jātaka “The Monkeys’ Watering Schedule” *Coming soon
5.   J67 Ucchaṅga Jātaka “Choose Who to Save?” *Coming soon
6.   J78 Illīsa Jātaka “The Big Indian Pancake and the Miser” *Coming soon
7.   J80 Bhīmasena Jātaka “The Wise Little Bowman” *Coming soon
8.   J81 Surāpāna Jātaka “Venerable Sāgata and the Flames of the Dragon King” *Coming soon
9.   J96 Telapatta Jātaka “The 100th Prince and the Lovely Ogresses” *Coming soon
10. J136 Suvaṇṇahaṁsa Jātaka “The Golden Swan” *Coming soon
11. J163 Susīma Jātaka “The Overnight Study” *Coming soon
12. J176 Kalāyamuṭṭhi Jātaka “The Monkey and a Piece of Pea” Chinese Version Text
13. J215 Kacchapa Jātaka “The Talkative Tortoise” *Coming soon
14. J400 Dabbhapuppha Jātaka “The Two Otters and the Sly JackalChinese version New 230921
15. J407 Mahākapi Jātaka “The Selfless Monkey King” *Coming soon
16. J316 Sasapaṇḍita Jātaka “The Rabbit in the Moon” Chinese version New 230926

J176 Kalayamutthi Jataka "The Monkey and a Piece of Pea" J400 Dabbhapuppha Jātaka “The Two Otters and the Sly Jackal” J316 Sasapaṇḍita Jātaka “The Rabbit in the Moon”

Dhammapada Picture Books

D118 Lājādevadhītā Vatthu “Venerable Mahākassapa and the Goddess of Puffed Rice” New 230212
D119-120 Anāthapiṇḍikasetthi Vatthu “The Rich Merchant and the Guardian Deity of His House” updated v230219
D127 Tayojana Vatthu “In the sky, in the Water, in the Cave” New 230319
D118 Lājādevadhītā Vatthu “Venerable Mahākassapa and the Goddess of Puffed Rice” D119-120 Anāthapiṇḍikasetthi Vatthu “The Rich Merchant and the Guardian Deity of His House” Dhammapada 127 Tayojana Vatthu "In the Sky, In the Sea, In the Cave"